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Thursday, 1 May 2014

A little bit of Z-Man

How is May here?
Really, I just wanted to share a little bit of Zavian.  The kid, he's nutty, haha.
In reality though, he's going through a lot with some issues with him boy-bits, doctors and hospital trips.  We are just waiting until we can see a paediatric surgeon so that we can get something done about it.  Poor kid suffers from a condition called phimosis.  Not pleasant.

Other than that though, he is a right little ray of sunshine come daylight hours.  He is bright and energetic, happy-go-lucky, cheeky and inquisitive.  He's been at his new kindy a couple of months now and adores it.  He's made some lovely friends and has great teachers.  

Night times come our little issues - since returning from our Melbourne trip he has developed a fear of having his door closed and lights off.  He doesn't want to sleep in his bed and we've had a week of him continuously coming in to our room.  I'm not fighting it much though, as Memphis sleeps in with us and it's hard to keep him asleep when Zavian is screaming down the house.  We are going to look into changing his room around, and we're going to get him a night light.  We've been lucky with him in the past, never had any issues like this so we are hoping it is just temporary!

So there's a little update on the Z-man!  My big boy rocks <3

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